Relapse: Turning Failure into a Victory

Man with drawing of strong arms behind him. Represents addiction relapse not being the end.

Relapse: Turning Failure into a Victory

If you are dealing with alcohol, opiate, or Xanax addiction, one thing that always seems to be a threat to our sobriety is relapsing. But what needs to be understood is that the road to recovery means facing our flaws. Mistakes are made and the main thing to remember is that your recovery does not end if a relapse occurs. If anything, it is a chance to grow even stronger. Although we do not promote relapsing as a good thing or something to accept, if a mistake does occur, you can take hold of that situation to propel yourself even further into recovery. Here are a few things to think about when it comes to relapsing.


Your self-worth

If you have just found yourself in a relapse, the first thing you should remember is that you are still here. Please call for our help and we will give you the proper medical attention you may need. Once you find yourself in stable condition, you should consider two things. First, you are alive. Be thankful that you have been blessed with a new opportunity. The second thing to realize is that you are not condemned or a bad person. You are human and are welcomed with open arms by our staff and team members. No matter what you or anyone close to you might say, you are no worse a person than before the relapse. If anything, you have a new opportunity to understand why you relapsed in the first place.


Understanding of your flaws

Right after your relapse, you have a new opportunity to analyze your addiction. Whether it is alcohol, opiate, or Xanax addiction, the experience of how you felt might still be fresh in your head. Even if it is just a fuzzy memory of before, during, or after the substance use, you have a chance to discuss the experience with one of our therapist professionals. Maybe you can find a better understanding of what led up to the relapse. Is there a specific trigger that you didn’t expect to entice your mind back into alcoholism, Xanax addiction or any other kind of addiction?


You only fail if you stop

No mistake is in vein. There may likely be slip-ups at times, but that doesn’t mean that you have failed. Overcoming addiction is all about understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Once you spot a weakness, you have the chance to make that strength out of that weakness. The only real failure occurs if we stop moving forward. Whether or not you relapse, hurt yourself, or fall in any way, you can still get back up on the horse. Trust me when I tell you that the horse will still continue to ride with you. And we will certainly never abandon you on your road to recovery.


For more information on how we handle relapse and other struggles of recovery, contact Florida Recovery Group. If you need any more inspiration on what is possible through our recovery programs, just take a look at our testimonials here. They show that no addiction is too big to overcome.