New Flakka Drug has Very Dangerous Effects

Drug experts are warning the public about a new drug with some very nasty side effects. This new drug is not only extremely addictive, but has been shown to cause violent episodes and what some say as “temporary insanity.”

A recent news report tells a tale of a young man here in South Florida trying to ram his way into a police station! The drug has also been shown to cause hallucinations as well as complex delusions making addicts think they have powers beyond human.

“I can’t believe what is happening, I’ve never seen anything like this” reports an addiction expert from Florida Recovery Group.

This new drug can cause your internal body temperature to go up to 105 degrees or more, and can lead to cardiac arrest.

The History of Flakka

This type of drug abuse is not new to South Florida. Last year a young man was shot and killed in an altercation with police on military trail in Delray Beach.

The war on drugs is now getting much harder. Drugs like this can be purchased over the counter and are available at practically any corner market or gas station.

These drugs are not approved by the FDA and are available in potencies that vary from brand to brand .The fact that these drugs are available at local gas stations are very concerning to local parents and community leaders.

What are local law enforcements doing to help?

Local officials state that this problem is getting worse and worse in South Florida. The active ingredient in Flakka has not yet been banned in the USA, and is still available at most stores.

Officials are playing a game of “whack a mole” trying to ban these substances. Some of the substances in some of these “bath salts” have been banned; however drug makers of these illicit substances are working overtime to create new drugs.

All you have to do is change one tiny molecule in these substances and you have a brand new drug to market. This makes banning these drugs that much harder.

ER visits have increased since these drugs have come onto the market. ER doctors are fearful whenever a young patient comes in under the influences of these drugs, because they are not sure how to treat them. With a heroin addict for instance, you can give them a drug to revive them. A cocaine addict you can sedate. These drugs are a bit trickier, some of them cause delusions and hallucinations which are much more difficult to treat.