Educating Children on Drug Use and Addiction

Today, children are being exposed to drugs at a much younger age. In today’s world, you must have an honest and open conversation about drugs and their harmful effects. Forty years ago parents would not dream about having a talk about drugs with their children but unfortunately today, it is a talk that should not be ignored or forgotten. To ensure the conversation goes smoothly with your children, you need to educate yourself on drug addiction, signs of addiction, and drug use among young adults.

We see that many times the attitudes of children toward tobacco, alcohol and other substances mirror those of their parents, so setting a good example early on is pivotal. There are also outside influences that inform who will and will not try drugs:

Peer pressure: The need for peer acceptance is strong at an early age. It is important to talk to your child about avoiding the peers that engage in dangerous drug related behavior. Everyone needs positive enforcement and friendly reminders of how to interact with others. There is no guidebook when it comes to life so reminding your child to always follow their own moral compass is an important job of a parent.

Thrill-seeking: A young person’s brain is continually evolving. Dopamine levels (especially in young adults) are lower than adults but excreted in higher concentrations when they are experiencing anything new and exciting. This is why many turn to drugs. Boredom gets the best of them and they look for another fresh and different experience. When you notice your child is bored, encourage them to take healthy risks in a responsible way. ( Get creative by trying to involve them in the arts or an athletic activity. Try and be present in their lives to make sure they make positive decisions.

Rebellion: Many children become rebellious in their teens and engage in drug use, alcohol consumption or tobacco usage. Always keep an eye out for signs of addiction, and get your child help as soon as possible. Having open lines of communication with your children is an important way to keep connected. Let them know that no matter what they do in life, you will never be mad if they are open and honest with you. Fighting leads to headaches. Find a way to communicate with your child, it will take a bit of patience but it will be worth it.

If your child needs treatment for drug or alcohol abuse, Florida Recovery Group is here to help your family through this time. We are a JCAHO accredited rehab facility in Palm Beach County offering intensive outpatient treatment, PHP programs, aftercare, and more. Give us a call today 561.330.4688.

Teen Drug Abuse