Am I an Alcoholic if I Drink Wine Every Night?

female alcoholic drinking wine every night

Am I an Alcoholic if I Drink Wine Every Night?

Wine is popular in American culture. People drink it to celebrate, socialize, and relax. For centuries, wine has been used to complement luxurious meals and everyday family gatherings. In recent years, researchers have examined the health benefits of wine and some suggest that drinking some every day may be good for people.[1]

Of course, wine is an alcoholic beverage and comes with the same risks and chance of addiction as any beer or spirits. The popularity and cultural acceptance of drinking wine every day have made it more common for people to pour a glass or two each evening. But is this healthy?

The consequences of untreated alcoholism can be serious–and sometimes life-threatening. If you or someone you care about is drinking wine every night, you must be able to recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and get help if you need it.

Is Drinking Wine Every Night a Problem?

Wine is popular in our culture. It is present at dinner parties, celebrations, and happy hours. Many people enjoy a glass of wine to wind down after work or after a busy day. Some people will have several glasses or a bottle each night. There is conflicting information about drinking. On the one hand, drinking it every day can have health benefits.[1] On the other, excessive alcohol consumption is known to be harmful to people’s health.[2]

Some health experts advise drinking wine every day to reap its health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and high levels of antioxidants. But the message is often not clear about how much to drink and what amount is potentially harmful. The amount of alcohol a person consumes matters.

So, how much wine is too much? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), drinking alcohol in moderation is not likely to cause harm. The CDC defines moderate drinking as one alcoholic beverage per day for women, and two for men.[2]

Regularly drinking more than this may be a sign of an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Left untreated, this can turn into an addiction or alcoholism.

Am I an Alcoholic?

When people imagine what it looks like to be an alcoholic, they may imagine someone who cannot function, doesn’t work, or who may appear to be very sick. However, alcoholism is usually more complex than this stereotype. People with alcoholism may appear to be functioning well from the outside, especially if the condition is new.

It is important to understand the physical and behavioral symptoms of alcoholism so you can recognize it in yourself or a loved one. These symptoms include:

  • Frequently drinking more than you intended to
  • Having accidents or getting hurt while intoxicated
  • Engaging in risky behavior while drinking–unsafe sexual behavior or driving under the influence
  • Spending a lot of time drinking or recovering from being drunk
  • Missing work or falling behind in your responsibilities because of drinking
  • Having financial or legal problems because of your drinking
  • Losing interest in other activities or relationships
  • Thinking about drinking or getting alcohol a lot
  • Not being able to stop drinking when you want to without withdrawal symptoms
  • Needing to drink more to get the same effect
  • Continuing to drink despite negative consequences

Sometimes, loved ones or friends may express concern about a person’s drinking or there may be a strain in the relationship. This can be a sign that a person’s drinking is not healthy and needs some attention and treatment.

Alcoholism is a loss of control over your drinking. If you recognize any of these symptoms, get treatment as early as possible to avoid serious, sometimes life-threatening consequences of alcoholism.

Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism, like other addictions, is not just a physical condition. People with alcoholism must go through alcohol detox and receive treatment for their physical symptoms first. Then, they must complete a treatment program that will give them the skills they need to manage their addiction and avoid relapse in the future.

Drinking wine every night may not seem like a problem, but if you are drinking more than recommended regularly, you may need treatment to help you stop drinking safely.

Treatment for alcoholism generally includes:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Medications
  • Medical care
  • Mental health treatment
  • Holistic therapies–exercise, nutrition counseling, art, music therapy, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and other healing treatments

Alcoholism is never truly cured. Instead, people must get the support and ongoing care they need to manage this condition for life. For many, this includes continuing therapy and seeking support in the community. People may join a support group or alumni network, seek out sober companions, and find other ways to stay committed to a sober lifestyle.

Find Help for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Today

If you are drinking wine every night and find yourself asking, “Am I an alcoholic?”, reach out to the caring specialists at Florida Recovery Group for information about our alcohol rehab programs.

You do not have to manage this alone. Call today to learn about getting the support you need to gain control of your drinking.

