Where to Find Trauma Counseling in Delray Beach

Trauma Counseling in Delray Beach

Where to Find Trauma Counseling in Delray Beach

Trauma is something many people experience. It occurs when someone goes through an extremely stressful or frightening event. Unfortunately, 70% of U.S. adults have experienced a traumatic event in their lives.

Trauma might look different for everyone, as any situation can be considered a traumatic experience if it is distressing enough to you. Trauma could occur during a nasty divorce, a bad breakup, or during abuse and some type of assault. Whatever kind of traumatic stress you have endured, healing from trauma is important.

When you leave trauma untreated, it could cause a host of issues. For example, untreated trauma can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Additionally, you could begin engaging in substance abuse to cope with your mental health symptoms.

Seeking support after experiencing trauma is crucial, and you’re not alone. In Delray Beach, FL, compassionate professionals are ready to provide trauma-informed counseling tailored to your needs, guiding you on the path to healing.

What is Trauma?

Trauma occurs when you experience a very stressful or scary event that is difficult to cope with. Trauma can be one event or an ongoing situation that you are dealing with.

Examples of traumatic events include:

  • Life-threatening illnesses
  • Nasty divorces of breakups
  • Natural disasters
  • Community violence
  • Violence at school
  • Bullying
  • Serious accidents
  • Sudden loss of a loved one
  • Abuse or assault of any kind
  • Child neglect

Most people experience an event in their life that can be considered traumatic. However, we do not all deal with trauma in the same way. While some people receive the support they need, others might have a hard time processing trauma.

People who have a difficult time dealing with their trauma might develop PTSD or a substance use disorder.

Why is Professional Treatment for Trauma Important?

Leaving trauma untreated can cause long-term adverse effects. First, untreated trauma could develop into post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of this condition might include nightmares, flashbacks, and severe mood swings.

In addition to PTSD, some people with a history of trauma begin numbing their emotions with drugs or alcohol. In other words, you could eventually develop an addiction.

Instead of turning to maladaptive coping mechanisms, consider seeking professional help. Trauma-focused counseling programs will offer individual and group therapy to ensure you receive the support you need.

Where to Find Trauma Counseling in Delray Beach

If you are looking for trauma counseling in Delray Beach, look no further than Florida Recovery Group. We offer evidence-based trauma therapy to ensure our clients receive the care they need. Additionally, our trauma therapists are experienced and highly skilled in helping individuals recover from traumatic events.

Examples of the therapies we use to treat trauma include:

These therapies will help you address the traumatic event, reduce negative feelings associated with it, and learn healthy coping mechanisms to use in tough times. In other words, the counseling offered in Delray Beach programs will help you learn how to overcome your trauma.

We have experience treating all different types of trauma. No matter what type of trauma you’ve experienced, FRG is here to help you regain control over your life. Whether you suffer from co-occurring PTSD or substance abuse, we can help you recover from any and all conditions you struggle with.

Why Choose Florida Recovery Group for Trauma Treatment?

Florida Recovery Group is the premiere choice for trauma counseling in Delray Beach. But why?

First, we only use evidence-based treatments. This means that the counseling you engage in is proven to reduce symptoms of trauma and co-occurring conditions like PTSD or addiction.

Next, our staff members are highly qualified. With years of experience in treating mental health, trauma, and addiction, they are guaranteed to have solutions to the problems you are struggling with.

Lastly, we believe in offering compassionate and empathetic care. When you are recovering from something traumatic, it’s important to know the professionals understand where you are coming from.

Get Connected to Top-Rated Trauma Counseling Near You

Experiencing trauma is never easy, but Florida Recovery Group is here to help you recover. Our highly trained mental health professionals can equip you with the tools and support you need to recover.

Contact us today to learn more about our trauma counseling program in Delray Beach.