What to Expect at a Mental Health Inpatient Facility

mental health inpatient facility

What to Expect at a Mental Health Inpatient Facility

While everyone deals with some sort of mental health-related issue in their lives, some people struggle with mental health conditions. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year, while 1 in 20 deal with severe mental illness.[1]

Oftentimes, people with moderate to severe mental illnesses require a little more care than biweekly visits to a therapist. Sometimes, inpatient treatment is necessary to help someone learn to manage the symptoms of their mental health condition healthily. 

If you or a loved one are considering attending an inpatient mental health program, you might be wondering what to expect. Being aware of what inpatient treatment is like can make it easier for you to choose recovery. 

What is Inpatient Mental Health Treatment?

Inpatient mental health treatment requires you to live at the facility while you receive services to help you regain control over your condition and your life. Because this type of treatment is in a residential setting, the facility will have everything you need, from a bed and bathroom to food and recreational activities.

Examples of the conditions treated in inpatient mental health facilities include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depressive disorders
  • Mood disorders like bipolar 
  • Dissociative disorders 
  • Personality disorders 
  • Eating disorders 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychotic disorders like schizophrenia 

During your stay at a residential mental health treatment center, you will receive round-the-clock care. This means that any time you feel like you need support, you will have a licensed mental health provider to talk to. Additionally, you will have a structured daily schedule that focuses on therapy, group counseling, and keeping you motivated in treating your mental health condition. 

What is Daily Life Like in Inpatient Mental Health Treatment?

Inpatient mental health treatment centers have structured daily schedules to keep you focused on your recovery. 


Typically, you will start your day with a healthy breakfast surrounded by your peers. After breakfast, you might enter a group counseling session led by a licensed therapist. These counseling sessions allow you to receive support from your peers and learn new coping mechanisms that are working for the people around you. 

After group counseling, you will probably have a short break to engage in self-care activities or have conversations with your peers. 


Once your break is over, you will either enter an individual therapy session or another group counseling session. It is important to note that the group counseling sessions you attend will be specialized, meaning they will focus on specific topics. For example, there might be counseling groups specific to trauma recovery or a certain type of mental illness like bipolar disorder.

After you finish your individual therapy and group counseling sessions, you will have free time to engage in recreational activities like playing board games, reading books, spending time at the gym, or even swimming in the pool. You will also have time to eat a healthy lunch. 

If you require medical care for a physical health condition, you will have a time slot in your daily or weekly schedule devoted to receiving that care. 


Once it’s evening time, you will have dinner with your peers. You might have evening counseling sessions or extra free time to engage in activities that support positive mental health. 

After you have completed your evening activities, you will have a specific bedtime. If you take night-time medications, you will visit with a medical professional who will disperse them to you before you go to sleep. 

Can You Have Visitors During Inpatient Treatment?

Whether you are allowed visitors or not will depend on the specific facility and whether your therapist believes it will be beneficial to your recovery. With that being said, most inpatient facilities allow visitors at specific times or on certain days. These visits will occur in a supervised area to ensure everyone’s safety. 

In addition to in-person visits, you will have access to a phone so that you can talk to your loved ones in a supervised setting. Typically, there is a certain time slot during the day where you can make these phone calls. Oftentimes, therapists will encourage you to take advantage of these times as having your family as a support system can stimulate mental health recovery.

What Should You Bring to an Inpatient Mental Health Facility?

Inpatient mental health facilities will provide you with most of the things you need, so you should always pack light. 

The items provided by your facility usually include:

  • Toiletries
  • Blankets
  • Linens
  • Pillows 
  • Food items 

However, there are some things you can bring with you. It is a good idea to pack comfortable clothes that do not have drawstrings or wires. Additionally, any shoes you bring should not include laces.

In addition to clothes, you can bring books, medications you currently take, and insurance or medical information. Thankfully, the specific inpatient facility you are attending will provide you with a list of allowed and prohibited items to make packing easier for you. 

Get Connected to a Top-Rated Inpatient Mental Health Program in Florida

If you or a loved one are dealing with unmanaged mental health symptoms, you might benefit from attending inpatient treatment. Inpatient psychiatric facilities like Florida Recovery Group can provide you with the tools and support you need to learn how to manage your condition healthily. 

To learn more about our inpatient mental health center, contact us today. 


  1. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Mental Health By the Numbers, Retrieved October 2023 From https://www.nami.org/mhstats